Viewing and Editing Asset Properties

Viewing and Editing Asset Properties

Viewing asset properties

To view asset properties, select or highlight the asset in the list and go to the Properties section in the sidebar. Click on the name of the required property group to expand the detailed list of properties.

Screenshot_2019-08-23_at_14.04.20.png Authorized users can view all asset properties, while unauthorized users can only view public properties.

You can view the properties of several assets together. To do this, select two or more assets. You will see the property value if all the selected objects have the same value. The number of objects that have specific tags is indicated for the tags.

If the values of the same property for the selected objects are different, you will see the value

Values do not match or a boolean property in an undefined value. 


Editing asset properties

To edit the property value:

  1. Hover the cursor over the property value.
  2. Click on the area of the value or on the edit icon Screenshot_2019-08-23_at_15.39.25.png.

17.pngOnly authorized users can edit properties. 

17.png Not all properties can be edited! There may be properties in the system that cannot be edited.


To exit edit mode, click 36.png or press the Escape key. However, changes will not be saved.


You can save your changes in one of the following ways:

  • By clicking on any area of the page outside the editable value field
  • By clicking on the confirmation icon Screenshot_2019-08-23_at_15.55.53.png
  • By pressing Enter

The method for editing asset properties depends on the property type. The system contains the following types of properties:


When editing a text property, you can enter any letters, characters, and numbers. To insert a line break, press Shift + Enter.


When editing an integer, you can only enter digits in the field, and when editing a real number, you can only enter digits and a dot (.) to indicate a fraction.



  • When editing a Tag property value, you can specify a new value or select existing options from the drop-down list.  After entering a new tag value, press Enter
  • To copy a tag, select the required tag in view mode and copy its value.
  • To delete a tag, click the cancel icon next to it Screenshot_2019-08-23_at_15.47.34.png.



You can select the date in the calendar that opens in edit mode or enter a value using the keyboard.

Boolean property


To edit a boolean property, simply select one of the two values: Yes or No.

 In the same way as when viewing, you can edit the properties of multiple assets at the same time. In this case, the property value changes for all selected objects that have this property.

To exit the mode for editing multiple assets, click on any area of the screen outside of the editable properties and outside of the sidebar sections, then click Continue in the popup window that displays a warning about interrupting the editing process.


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