To export an asset, select it from the list and go to the Export section in the right sidebar. If you select multiple assets, the entire selected group will be exported.

The following asset export methods are available:

1. Download to a device 

You can download an asset to your device.

  1. Select the Download method from the list.
  2. Click the Download button.


When multiple assets are selected, they are combined into an archive for download.

2. Export to one or more preinstalled FTP servers.


  1. Select the FTP method from the list.
  2. In the search field that appears, specify the names of the available FTP servers you need. To delete a selected FTP server, click on the close icon next to the server name.
  3. Click the Export button.

Screenshot_2019-08-23_at_14.04.20.pngWhen exporting an asset, metadata are saved inside the original asset file in accordance with the template set by the Administrator.