Collection Properties

Collection Properties

Just like assets, collections have a set of properties.

You can add a title, description, tags, and other information that will help you quickly find the necessary collections in the feed.

To view properties of a collection, select it by clicking on the collection's preview in the feed. 


Access to collections

The system can contain the following types of collections:

  • Public Collection: a collection available to both logged-in and anonymous users, displayed without an icon.
  • Common collection: a collection available to all logged-in users, displayed with the icon _________.PNG
  • Private collection: a collection that is only available to the user who created it and to the System Administrator, displayed with the icon Screenshot_2019-10-02_at_13.54.18.png.
  • Technical collection: a collection created after importing assets, named in the format "Import from date and time of import (name of the user who imported the assets). A technical collection is private by default.
  • Collection with an incomplete import: a collection created as a result of an import, but the user has not clicked the button to confirm completion after all of its assets are loaded, displayed with the icon Screenshot_2019-10-02_at_13.48.53.png.

The new collection you create automatically becomes private.

To make it visible to other authorized users, set the Common switch in the Properties section of the sidebar to Yes.

To make it visible to both authorized and unauthorized users, set the Public switch in the Properties section of the sidebar to Yes.

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